Article Date
September 30, 2022

On Tuesday 4th October (11am-1.30pm) join us on the CSB 1st floor Atrium and help us celebrate #LibrariesWeek by taking part in our 'Living Library'. 

What is the UHCW Living Library?

We are adapting the Human Library method to provide time and space for staff to have meaningful conversations where they will learn more about each other’s backgrounds, motivations and experiences. The aim is to challenge our misconceptions and celebrate the diversity of our workforce.

How does it work?

We need 5-10 volunteers to be ‘Living Books’ who can commit to a 45min slot between 11am-1.30pm on Tue 4th October. We need ‘Readers’ to commit to attending on the day so they can hear the stories and engage in conversation with the ‘Living Books’.

What would I need to do as a ‘Living Book’?

You come to the UHCW Living Library on the day and share your chosen personal or professional story with the Readers that attend in that time. We recommend 5 minutes for your story, then 10-15min for questions and conversation with a ‘Reader’.

What you share is your choice. Living Books are encouraged to challenge preconceptions with the guiding message “You should never judge a Book by its cover”. You could share a personal anecdote of a key moment that has influenced who you are today. You may want to share a brief story that challenges preconceptions that are sometimes made based on your gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, culture, job role etc. You may want to share an experience from a hobby personal interest that is a big part of your life away from work.

Prior to Tue 4th October, the Living Books will be asked for a title and sentence for the story they would like to share. The library team are happy to help you decide what your Living Book title and story will be.

What would I need to do as a ‘Reader’?

You come to the UHCW Living Library ready to listen to the stories and engage in short conversations. Readers can ask questions and engage with Living Books in a one-to-one discussion when they have heard the story that the Living Book wants to share.

You are there to learn more about your colleagues, improving your understanding and appreciation for the diversity in our work community.

Will I have to dress up like they do for World Book Day?

No, definitely not! And to confirm, you will not have to dress-up as an actual book as that would make it difficult to sit down and talk. But we will provide light refreshments.

I can attend the CSB for around 45 min on Tue 4th Oct and I want to get involved. What next?

Contact or asap.

We really need ‘Living Books’ and ‘Readers’ (You!). We think it’s an idea with potential and this is a chance to test it out on a smaller scale to see what happens.

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash